Chili and Chocolate: An Unlikely Pair
Kris and I were two girls in the Big Apple, about to ascend the Empire State Building, when all of a sudden, it hit... a craving for CHOCOLATE!!! On a mission to find some chocolate fast, we hit up the nearest Duane Reade. Now chocolate comes in a variety of flavors and types. But on that particular night, I was destined to come across a variety of chocolate that so tingled my taste buds that I am still singing its praises. It's chili dark chocolate, by Lindt, and it is splendid. In fact, I am savoring a square as I write.
I'll admit that it's not the most likely pair of ingredients, but from the first time I laid eyes on it, I didn't think it so outrageous to combine chili and chocolate (perhaps it was because of the movie Chocolat). I love chili peppers and chocolate, so this is actually an exercise in eating efficiency for me. I actually think it would appeal to anyone who's looking for something different, chocolate lover or not. Still, I'll admit up front that it's probably not for everyone. I'm not trying to sell these or anything, and no, I don't own any stock in a company that would benefit from the sale of more chili chocolate.
The Mayans and Incas are said to have used chili in their chocolate beverages, but I don't know whether chili chocolate has been around ever since the time of the Mayans and Inca. You'd think something this good would have maintained its popularity throughout the ages. The fact that I've only found chili chocolate in three stores on this island suggests that my affection for chili chocolate is not shared by the masses.
Or maybe it's just that the masses are ill-informed.
Therefore... I am taking it upon myself to inform you chocolate lovers out there that such a delectable treat does indeed exist. So far, it's been stocked most frequently at Long's Drugs on King Street. The Downtown Long's carries it occassionally, but I haven't seen it in a while. Safeway also carried a chili-cherry chocolate bar several months ago, but I'm not sure whether they still stock it.
I'd love to hear what you think about it and look forward to hearing about your favorite, most interesting dark chocolate treats. I plan to start running again soon to prepare for all the chocolate tastings :)
I'll admit that it's not the most likely pair of ingredients, but from the first time I laid eyes on it, I didn't think it so outrageous to combine chili and chocolate (perhaps it was because of the movie Chocolat). I love chili peppers and chocolate, so this is actually an exercise in eating efficiency for me. I actually think it would appeal to anyone who's looking for something different, chocolate lover or not. Still, I'll admit up front that it's probably not for everyone. I'm not trying to sell these or anything, and no, I don't own any stock in a company that would benefit from the sale of more chili chocolate.
The Mayans and Incas are said to have used chili in their chocolate beverages, but I don't know whether chili chocolate has been around ever since the time of the Mayans and Inca. You'd think something this good would have maintained its popularity throughout the ages. The fact that I've only found chili chocolate in three stores on this island suggests that my affection for chili chocolate is not shared by the masses.
Or maybe it's just that the masses are ill-informed.
Therefore... I am taking it upon myself to inform you chocolate lovers out there that such a delectable treat does indeed exist. So far, it's been stocked most frequently at Long's Drugs on King Street. The Downtown Long's carries it occassionally, but I haven't seen it in a while. Safeway also carried a chili-cherry chocolate bar several months ago, but I'm not sure whether they still stock it.
I'd love to hear what you think about it and look forward to hearing about your favorite, most interesting dark chocolate treats. I plan to start running again soon to prepare for all the chocolate tastings :)